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Water fountains can help with calmness, relaxation and well being. Adding important negative Ions into the air & the soft gentle relaxing sounds of water cascading over  carved natural granite.

Feng Shui

Feng Shui is a system of laws considered to govern spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to the flow of energy (ch'i). The 4,000-year-old Chinese practice of arranging your environment to enhance your life. At first glance, Feng Shui may seem complex. However, Feng Shui philosophy is filled with common sense practices and simple techniques for creating a more prosperous, healthy and happy life. The principles of the theory are widely integrated into modern day decorating trends in many Western countries. It has particularly developed a positive reputation in the United States and prompted many consumers to seek out consultations by Feng Shui experts to arrange their living and working spaces in the most optimal way, according to the ancient values. The major principle of Feng Shui is nature, which produces Ch’i (Qi) or spiritual energy. Feng Shui enthusiasts believe that Ch’i is flowing all around us all the time. Literally, Feng Shui translates into English as “Wind-Water”, Ch’i being the energy that flows between these two aspects. The goal of Feng Shui guidelines is to synchronise land, living spaces, landscaping, and belongings with the flow of Ch’i through our lives. If done properly, inhabitants can achieve Tao or Harmony.For many Western citizens, the practice of Feng Shui can seem complicated and confusing. Yet there are many smaller steps people interested in transforming their homes or offices. An indoor water fountain is an excellent example.

Good Negative Ions
Indoor fountains have been proven scientifically to be a source of negative ions, which have a positive effect on health. Because of these water sources and the negative ions, a fountain additionally fulfills the Feng, or wind, a portion of the Chinese philosophy. Simply from placing stress-free water fountains in a room and letting it transform the space’s air supply.

Fountains are the best solution for easy transformation of a home or office into a Feng Shui paradise.

Improved Work, Study, and Sleep
The combination of the relaxing, tranquil sounds and the white noise effect, gently filter out the annoying background noises that might otherwise disturb your concentration. Indoor water fountains help create the perfect environment for working or studying. When you’re trying to concentrate the faintest sounds can be annoying, clocks ticking, rain dripping, the tv in another room.  

The Truth About Negative Ions
In the case of ions, being negative is a positive thing. Our bodies need negative ions, but just about everything we do creates positive ions. Negative ions are abundant in nature, but the closer you get to the cities the fewer negative ions are available. And in your homes, there are very few if any. Water fountains do more than just simply look good. While the sheer size and impressiveness of many of the most famous natural fountains in the world are nothing short of breathtaking, there is scientific evidence of another phenomenon at work as well. Ever notice the feeling you get when standing next to a large waterfall, or active mountain stream, or even a rocky ocean shore? This is due to a group of air particles known as negative ions.

Despite the connotations of their name, negative ions, in fact, have very positive effects on us. Perhaps in your youth, your mother urged you to “get fresh air”? Turns out it is more than just an old wives tale. Every electrical device in your house produces positive ions as do our own bodies. Negative ions counteract the positive ions and neutralize them, but in our homes, there are overwhelming numbers of positive ions. Your shower, of course, creates negative ions, but it’s just not practical to keep that running all day long. Negative ions also help clean the air of pollutants. Their negative charge attracts dust and other airborne impurities, removing them from the air. This allows us all to breathe healthier air and is especially nice for those with allergies.
What can the benefits of a waterfeature be to our mental and physical health?

• Stress reduction and inner well being
• Humidify for Dry stale air.
• Indoor Water Fountains create a white noise a perfect distraction from noise pollution.
• The Feng Shui effect
• Improved Work, Study, and Sleep. ...
• The Subtle Symbolism of Flowing Water. ...
• The Truth About Negative Ions. ...
• Indoor Fountains Produce Negative Ions.

There are some very obvious reasons why people buy indoor fountains for their homes, but there are also some rather useful side benefits that most people would not even consider. Let’s take a look at some of those added benefits and discover how a water fountain could improve your quality of life.

The decorative appeal of quality indoor water fountains is unquestionable. These beautiful pieces can only be referred to as art in motion. We are all looking for unique decorating ideas for our homes and Indoor water fountain features are the perfect choice for adding a stunning addition to any room and will have everyone talking. whether it's in a home, office reception, hotel or even in care centres for people with a wide range of needs such as mental health or as part of a palliative care program. 

Stress-Reduction and Inner Harmony
Throughout time, moving water has been a source of enchantment and wellbeing, helping people feel more relaxed and refreshed. If you’ve ever sat beside a waterfall or a gurgling brook, you know how you feel soothed by the sound of running water.
Today, we spend most of our time indoors surrounded by man made sounds and disconnected from the natural world. Often we feel closed in and overwhelmed by our fast-paced, online connected world. A bubbling fountain helps to block out less calming sounds, whilst allowing us to tune into more natural rhythms within ourselves. 

Humidity for Dry Air
Water Fountains have a naturally humidifying effect on dry air. The peaceful sound of cascading water is far more pleasing than the hum and buzz of a humidifier. The environment that surrounds the cascading water of a fountain is naturally enriched by negative ions. That could be one reason we seem to feel good around them. You may have read how too many positive ions in the atmosphere resulting from air pollution and other factors can cause disease. When negative ions are more highly concentrated, they have a beneficial effect on the body and mind, possibly enhancing mental clarity and a sense of calmness. Negative ions also help clean the air. While not everyone suffers from the effects of low humidity, many of us do. Whether you just live in an arid climate or the winter cold has frozen the moisture out of the air, you suffer the same effects. Low humidity can dry out your skin, hair, eyes and even your mucous membranes. This can then lead to itching, chapping, dry eyes, nose, and throat, and increased susceptibility to colds and respiratory infections.

Water Fountains create a 'White Noise' effect
White noise is created when something generates sound in all different frequencies at the same time. You will have experienced this many times in your life but never realised what it was. If you have been in a crowded restaurant or cafe, with many people, all chatting away. When there were fewer people, you could probably hear the people at the next table clearly. But as more and more people show up, the harder it becomes to hear until it gets to the point where no matter how hard you tried you cannot hear what they were saying at the next table and sometimes even the person next to you. Your initial thought might be that it just became louder with so many people, but volume has nothing to do with it. These people are probably not talking any louder than the people at the next table and they are farther away.

Indoor water fountains bring the soothing natural sound of flowing water into homes or offices. Feng Shui improvements will be greatly complemented with an indoor fountain addition to living spaces. The presence of moving water fills the requirements of the Shui, or water component. According to the practice, when placed near a door entrance, a wall fountain can inspire successful business transactions, enhancing the career area. Or perhaps in a room used for study or reading, an indoor fountain would be placed in the knowledge Gua (area) of the room to promote learning. The only consideration to make is to install on a water resistant surface as there will be a slight spray form the cascading water as it works its way down the vertical surface.

The Subtle message of Flowing Water
As humans, we often find ourselves resisting change or resenting our circumstances. We forget to let our thoughts and feelings flow when they need to. We hold back and resist because we think letting go will make us weak. Sometimes fountains remind us to release our limitations and resistance. They demonstrate how to maintain subtle strength through acceptance. And their gentle trickles inspire us to keep alive our softer soulfulness. Fountains remind us that “all really is well”.

Indoor Fountains Produce Negative Ions
A negative ion is an oxygen ion with an extra electron attached. They are produced through disturbances in water molecules like fast-flowing rivers and indoor fountains. The vigorous feeling you get when breathing country air or standing to view the Niagara Falls is caused by negative ions. Negative ions have been proven to have a beneficial impact on health and mood by affecting the serotonin levels in the brain. Negative ions also cling and bond with impurities found in the air they occupy, acting as natural air purifiers. Conversely, positive ions are responsible for the grogginess people often feel cooped up in an office or after a long drive in a closed car. Because negative ions are produced in large quantities by flowing water and sunlight, the air in rural areas has many hundreds of times more negative ions than air in a large metropolitan zone.

The air around Water Falls and other similarly turbulent water sources, for example, can contain anywhere from 30,000 to 100,000 negative ions per cubic centimeter. Compare this number to that of a stuffy car or office, which can contain zero to at most a few hundred per cubic centimeter. The correlation between the number of negative ions and the overwhelming general moods found in these places is telling.

Improving negative ion count, however, is a very simple task. Indoor water fountains will drastically alter the invisible quality of air in any room it is introduced to. In addition, when humans are living in a negative ion-rich environment, the negative ions into the bloodstream and naturally increase serotonin levels. This been shown to help relieve stress, alleviate depression, increase our daytime energy levels and improve our overall mood. That’s why we think it’s important to point out that indoor waterfalls and fountains create negative ions, which in turn makes for cleaner, healthier and more energised air.

I am sure you will agree there are a lot more benefits to owning an indoor water fountain other than the beauty and pleasant sounds they create.

Here are a few ideas on how to install a garden water feature

Granite bowl in-ground reservoir water feature

The best way to install this feature is to dig a hole around 100cm in diameter and 5cm deeper than the reservoir (leave it sitting slightly proud of the surrounding ground so you don't get floor water getting into the chamber and cloud the water. Set the bowl in a weak mix of sand/cement or concrete depending on the ground, level up and backfill with the same mixture to give rigidity. Leave to set and then place the galvanised grid on top of the reservoir. Get either lifting equipment of 3-4 people to lift the bowl with ropes into position on the grid taking care to avoid covering the pump access hatch. Take the led light/water outlet and push the tube into the spigot and then thread the low voltage cable through the sponge O ring along with the tube and pull until the sponge fits tight under the light. Thread the tube and cable through the hole in the centre of the bowl from the top down inside and then attach the tube onto the spigot on the water pump and place the pump on the reservoir bottom. Thread the low voltage cable and the water pump plug out of the grid and to the transformer supplied and onto to the safe electrical connection point. Fill the reservoir to approx 5-10cm from the top of the bowl and turn on. Check the water falls over all sides and if not check the levelling of the bowl . Finally dress the grid with pebbles of your choice. If smaller pebbles are preferred the you can add a layer of finer mesh over the grid before placing the bowl in situ.Everlasting Granite

Cascading Water feature

Prepare level and solid base slightly larger than the base reservoir and place the reservoir and level up (it's best to set on some spacers under the feet so you can hook he cabled from underneath and onto the connection point.

Place the pump in the base and thread the power cable down the cable entry up-stand after removing the plug. 

Place the largest stand in the location you require depending on what direction you want the bowls to face in the garden.

Take the top bowl (the one with a larger hole suitable for the sponge o-ring and led light to fit in) and thread the low voltage cabe and attach the water tube to the light and then through the hole from the top downwards and into the stand where the tube will need to be connected to the pump using the spigot provided. (this will need 2 people to tip the combination slightly to get you hand in). You may need to remove the screw cap form the low voltage cable to get it down the up-stand - some fit and some are a little tight - this can the be siliconed back on after connection.

Take the smaller stand and sit it in the desired position Take the two remaining bowls and silicone the led light in position over the drilled hole making sure to silicone the hole in the middle of the light as well so that no water can get past the light and be lost out of the bowl. When the silicone is dry, place the 2 bowls on the stand with the slit outlets so that the water cascades into the one below and finally into the reservoir base. 

Fill the reservoir with water to approx 5cm (2") from the top of the reservoir lip and make good the pump connection to a 230v supply suitable for outdoor use and connect the low voltage cable to the transformer and once satisfied all is safe turn the power on and adjust the bowl positions if necessary. It will take a few minutes to get everything filled and settled down.

We also recommend that once installed outdoors that the feature is de-commissioned for the winter with all water removed from the reservoirs and fitted with a waterproof cover so it does not collect rainwater. Alternatively you can leave it running but remain vigilant at the first sign of frost and then de-commission and mothball until spring.

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